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As a community, we continue to learn how we can be more aware of the racial injustice in the world. Several DMIEC committees work towards these efforts, while individuals read and discuss books and seek out other ways to enhance understanding of racial injustice issues.

Beginning on Good Friday 2021, we have held a weekly Sidewalk Solidarity event every Friday afternoon as weather permitted. We hope this weekly commitment will demonstrate our desire to stand as allies and show our solidarity with the Black families who have lost loved ones. An optional debriefing follows at 4:00 p.m. each Friday.

At 4:00 p.m. each Friday, we gather to honor Black lives lost to police violence.  We open with prayer inside DMIEC and speak their names, then stand in silence for nine minutes in front of the building.  We go back inside to close with prayer, song, and reflection.  If weather is not good for outside, we stay inside the building.

*For Good Friday 2023, our usual Sidewalk Solidarity will be combined with Stations of the Cross.*

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