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The Iowa Capital Dispatch is an independent news organization dedicated to covering state government and its impact on Iowans’ lives, believing that without strong community journalism, government integrity and accountability are lost. The Capital Dispatch is a nonprofit, free of advertising and free to readers. Donations cover office and reporting expenses, helping to expand news coverage. For example, they have a paid intern this summer from Iowa State University, and they pay a Drake University student for freelance stories. Reporting costs also include travel, online access to court and other public records, camera equipment, and laptops. A longer-term goal is to expand the full-time staff. The Capital Dispatch is part of  States Newsroom , a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit, but retains full editorial independence. For more information on this organization, visit https://iowacapitaldispatch.com/about/

CHECKS SHOULD BE MAILED TO:   DMIEC, P.O. Box 30065, Des Moines, IA  50310
Checks can be written either to “States Newsroom” (with “Iowa Capital Dispatch” in the memo line) or to “DMIEC” with “First Sunday” in the memo line. We would prefer that all checks be mailed to DMIEC. If you mail your check directly to the organization, please inform Ed Arnold of the amount, if you feel comfortable, so the Social Justice Committee can get an accurate count of donations.

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