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The proceeds of our March 3 “First Sunday” collection will benefit Conmigo Early Education Center, a bilingual early care and education center serving children ages 6 weeks through
12 years old. With almost 80% of the staff bilingual, the children are exposed to both English and Spanish daily. A high percentage of the families are low income and are on Child Care Assistance with the State to help pay tuition.

Our First Sunday donations would help purchase a shed for maintenance equipment. Currently, the equipment is spread between two playground sheds, which leaves very little room for children’s toys and bikes. It is also not safe to have gardening and mowing equipment around the children. More toys could also be purchased for the playgrounds, including science, sensory, and dramatic play toys to expand the children’s learning while outside.  For more information on this organization, visit www.conmigoearlyed.org.

CHECKS SHOULD BE MAILED TO:  DMIEC, P.O. Box 30065, Des Moines, IA  50310

Checks can be written either to “Conmigo Early Education Center” or to “DMIEC” with “First Sunday” in the memo line. 

We would prefer that all checks be mailed to DMIEC. If you mail your check directly to the organization, please inform Susan Barnes of the amount, if you feel comfortable, so the Social Justice Committee can get an accurate count of donations.

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