Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C *Alternate* Gospel FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME — Year C *Alternate* Gospel: Luke 2:22-32 A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C *Alternate* GospelJim Fifield2025-01-14T16:28:38-06:00
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Year C First Reading and Responsorial Psalm FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY — Year C First Reading: Malachi 3:1-4 A reading from the book of the prophet Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Year C First Reading and Responsorial PsalmJim Fifield2025-01-14T16:16:06-06:00
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C *Alternate* Reading FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME — Year C *Alternate* Reading: Hebrews 2:14–18 A reading from the letter of Paul Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C *Alternate* Readingadmin2025-01-14T16:18:04-06:00