Holy Trinity Sunday Year B *Alternate* Third Reading HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY — Year B *Alternate* Third Reading: From The Divine Dance by Richard Rohr/span> If Trinity is Holy Trinity Sunday Year B *Alternate* Third ReadingJim Fifield2024-05-07T12:16:39-05:00
Holy Trinity Sunday Year B *Alternate* Second Reading HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY — Year B *Alternate* Second Reading: From The Divine Dance by Richard Rohr Our starting place Holy Trinity Sunday Year B *Alternate* Second Readingadmin2024-05-07T12:16:26-05:00
Holy Trinity Sunday Year B Gospel HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY — Year B Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20 A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew. The Holy Trinity Sunday Year B Gospeladmin2024-02-10T11:02:03-06:00