Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Gospel


Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew.

Jesus told this parable to the disciples, “A wealthy employer was going on a journey, and called in three employees to entrust some funds to them, according to each one’s ability.  The first was given five thousand silver pieces, the second two thousand, and the third one thousand.  Then the
wealthy employer went away.  Immediately the employee who received the five thousand went and invested it, and made another five.  In the same way, the employee who received the two thousand doubled that figure.  But the employee who received the one thousand instead went off and dug a hole in the ground, and buried the money.

“After a long absence, the traveler returned home and settled accounts with them.  The one who had received the five thousand came forward bringing the additional five.  The employer said, ‘Well done!  You are a good and faithful employee.  Since you were dependable in a small matter, I will put you in charge of larger affairs.  Come, share my joy!’ The one who had received the two thousand then stepped forward with the additional two.  The employer said to this one, ‘Cleverly done!  You too are a good and faithful employee.  Since you were dependable in a small matter I will put you in charge of larger affairs.  Come, share my joy!’

“Finally the one who had received the one thousand stepped forward, and said to the employer, ‘Knowing your ruthlessness – you who reap where you did not sow and gather where you did not scatter – and fearing your wrath, I went off and buried your thousand silver pieces in the ground.  Here is your money back.’  The employer exclaimed, ‘You worthless, lazy lout!  You know I reap where I did not sow and gather where I did not scatter.  All the more reason to deposit my money with the bankers, so that on my return I could have had it back with interest.  You, there!  Take the thousand away from this bum and give it to the one with the ten thousand. Those who have will get more until they grow rich, while those who have not will lose even the little they have.  Throw this worthless one into the darkness outside, where there is wailing and grinding of teeth.’ ”

The Good News as spoken through Matthew.

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